This is the standard Pro Series Tub and Alley that contains the 8’ tub and 16’ of adjustable alley with palp door and cat walk. (Left Handed pictured)

This is the single alley option. It is 16’ of adjustable alley, palp door and shown with the optional cable winch easy lift. For the situation that does not allow for a tub the portable single alley works great.

This is the cable winch easy lift option. The cable winch easy lift allows operator to remove wheels without moving jack from side to side. Cable winch aids in less time and labor for setup.

This is the drop down side option. The drop down side allows for access to the animals while they are in the alley way.
Pro-Series Tub and Alley dimensions shown with 16’ of adjustable alley and 8’ tub. (Left handed)