Two-Way Tub Exits
The 90 degree or the 135 degree tub exits are great ways to divert the cattle two different directions out of the tub. The 90 degree tub exit is also available with the double alley systems.

Alley Cut Gate Frame
The alley cut gate frame can be placed between the tub and alley or between alley sections to allow the operator to block the alley completely.

Y Divider
The Y divider is a great way to divert the cattle in two different directions while going through the alley way. It contains a swinging door that can be locked in either direction or controlled from outside the alley to direct the cattle in either direction.

Alley Load-Out Section
The alley load out section is a great way to divert the cattle while in the alley way. The load out section is reversible to allow the operator to divert the cattle either to the left or right while still allowing the animals to go straight ahead. The load out section has a swinging door that can be locked in either direction or controlled from outside the alley to direct the cattle in either direction.

45 Degree Alley Bow
The 45 degree alley bow allows the operator to turn the alley in 45 degree angles so it can fit in almost any situation. Available in 22.5 degree non adjustable.